February 19 – 23

Important Dates

Friday, Feb. 23rd – 3rd grade parent lunch at 11:30am

Wednesday, Feb. 28th – Early release at 11:30am



3.6A – (R)- Classify and sort two- and three-dimensional figures, including cones, cylinders, spheres, triangular and rectangular prisms, and cubes, based on attributes using formal geometric language

3.6B – (S)- Use attributes to recognize rhombuses, parallelograms, trapezoids, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories

3.6E- (S)- decompose two congruent two‐dimensional figures into parts with equal areas and express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole and recognize that equal shares of identical wholes need not have the same shape



I can classify and sort two-dimensional figures based on their attributes.

I can classify and sort three-dimensional figures based on their attributes.

I can use attributes to recognize quadrilaterals and triangles.

I can draw nonexamples of quadrilaterals and triangles.

I can decompose a shape into parts with equal areas.

I can explain that equal parts do not have to be the same shape.



3.8B (S) –  describe and illustrate the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and thermal energy;

3.8C (R) – construct models that demonstrate the relationship of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, including orbits and positions; and

3.8D (S – 5th grade) –  identify the planets in Earth’s solar system and their position in relation to the Sun.



I can describe the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and thermal energy.

I can illustrate the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and thermal energy.

I can construct models that demonstrate the relationship of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, including orbits and positions.


February 12 – 16

Upcoming important dates:

February 14th – Valentine’s day party at 1pm

February 16th – 19th – School holiday

February 23rd – 3rd grade parent lunch

February 28th – Early release at 11:30am



3.3H – (R)- Compare two fractions having the same numerator or denominator in problems by reasoning about their size and justifying the conclusion using symbols, words, objects, and pictorial models.

3.3F – (R)- represent equivalent fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using a variety of objects and pictorial models, including number lines

3.3G – (S)- explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same portion of a same-size whole for an area model



I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using symbols.

I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using words.

I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using objects.

I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using models.

I can represent fractions with objects, models, and number lines.

I can explain why two fractions are equivalent.



3.8B (S) –  describe and illustrate the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and thermal energy;

3.8C (R) – construct models that demonstrate the relationship of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, including orbits and positions; and

3.8D (S – 5th grade) –  identify the planets in Earth’s solar system and their position in relation to the Sun.



I can describe the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and thermal energy.

I can illustrate the Sun as a star composed of gases that provides light and thermal energy.

I can construct models that demonstrate the relationship of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, including orbits and positions.

I can identify the planets in our solar system.

I can identify the planets in their position in relation to the Sun.

February 12-16

Upcoming Dates: 

  • February 14th- Valentines Party
  • February 16th- No School
  • February 19- School Holiday
  • February 28th- Early Release


3.3H – (R)- Compare two fractions having the same numerator or denominator in problems by reasoning about their size and justifying the conclusion using symbols, words, objects, and pictorial models.
3.3F – (R)- represent equivalent fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using a variety of objects and pictorial models, including number lines
3.3G – (S)- explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same portion of a same size whole for an area model

I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using symbols.
I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using words.
I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using objects.
I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using models.
I can represent fractions with objects, models, and number lines.
I can explain why two fractions are equivalent.


Homework: Math homework will be sent home Friday and due back the following Thursday.

Mad Minute: We are continuing to study our multiplication facts. Please study those facts with your students.


3.8D (S – 5th grade) – identify the planets in Earth’s solar system and their position in relation to the Sun.


I can identify the planets in our solar system.
I can identify the planets in their position in relation to the Sun.

January 29-February 2

Upcoming Dates: 

  • January 31st- Early Release at 11:30am
  • February 14th- Valentines Party at 1pm
  • February 16th- No School
  • February 19- School Holiday
  • February 28th- Early Release

3.3H – (R)- Compare two fractions having the same numerator or denominator in problems by reasoning about their size and justifying the conclusion using symbols, words, objects, and pictorial models.
3.3F – (R)- represent equivalent fractions with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using a variety of objects and pictorial models, including number lines
3.3G – (S)- explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same portion of a same size whole for an area model


I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using symbols.
I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using words.
I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using objects.
I can compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator and justify my conclusion, using models.
I can represent fractions with objects, models, and number lines.
I can explain why two fractions are equivalent.


Homework: Math homework will be sent home Friday and due back the following Thursday.

Mad Minute: We are continuing to study our multiplication facts. Please study those facts with your students.


3.4A – collect, record, and analyze information using tools, including cameras, computers, hand lenses, metric rulers, Celsius thermometers, wind vanes, rain gauges, pan balances, graduated cylinders, beakers, spring scales, hot plates, meter sticks, magnets, collecting nets, notebooks, and Sun, Earth, and Moon system models; timing devices; and materials to support observation of habitats of organisms such as terrariums and aquariums.
3.8A (R)- observe, measure, record, and compare day-to-day weather changes in different locations at the same time that include air temperature, wind direction, and precipitation;


I can collect weather information using Celsius thermometers, wind vanes and rain gauges.
I can record weather information using Celsius thermometers, wind vanes and rain gauges.
I can observe day-to-day weather changes in different locations at the same time that include air temperature, wind direction and precipitation.
I can measure day-to-day weather changes in different locations at the same time that include air temperature, wind direction and precipitation.
I can compare day-to-day weather changes in different locations at the same time that include air temperature, wind direction and precipitation.

January 22-26


Friday, Jan. 26th – 3rd grade parent lunch at 11:30am

Wednesday, Jan. 31st – Early release at 11:30am

Wednesday, Feb. 14th – Valentine’s party at 1pm



3.3 B – (S)- determine the corresponding fraction greater than zero and less than or equal to one with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 given a specified point on a number line
3.3D – (S)- compose and decompose a fraction a/b with a numerator greater than zero and less than or equal to b as a sum of parts 1/b
3.7A- (S) represent fractions as halves, fourths, and eights as distances from 0 on a number line.
3.3 A – (S) represent fractions greater than zero and less than or equal to one with denominators 2,3,4,6,8 using concrete objects and pictorial models, including strip-diagrams and number lines.



I can name fractions as points on a number line.
I can represent fractions as distances on a number line.
I can represent fractions, using concrete objects.
I can represent fractions, using strip diagrams.
I can represent fractions, using number lines.
I can compose and decompose a fraction.


Homework: Math homework will be sent home Friday and due back the following Thursday.

Mad Minute: We are continuing to study our multiplication facts. Please study those facts with your students.


3.4A – collect, record, and analyze information using tools, including cameras, computers, hand lenses, metric rulers, Celsius thermometers, wind vanes, rain gauges, pan balances, graduated cylinders, beakers, spring scales, hot plates, meter sticks, magnets, collecting nets, notebooks, and Sun, Earth, and Moon system models; timing devices; and materials to support observation of habitats of organisms such as terrariums and aquariums.
3.8A (R)- observe, measure, record, and compare day-to-day weather changes in different locations at the same time that include air temperature, wind direction, and precipitation;


I can collect weather information using Celsius thermometers, wind vanes and rain gauges.
I can record weather information using Celsius thermometers, wind vanes and rain gauges.
I can observe day-to-day weather changes in different locations at the same time that include air temperature, wind direction and precipitation.
I can measure day-to-day weather changes in different locations at the same time that include air temperature, wind direction and precipitation.
I can compare day-to-day weather changes in different locations at the same time that include air temperature, wind direction and precipitation.

December 4th – 8th

Important Dates

  • December 20th: Class Parties
  • December 21st-Jan. 5th: Christmas Break


3.5 E (R)- Represent real-world relationships using number pairs in a table and verbal descriptions



I can use a table to show relationships between pairs of numbers.


Homework: Math homework will be sent home Friday and due back the following Thursday.

Mad Minute: We are continuing to study our multiplication facts. Please study those facts with your students.


3.7B – investigate rapid changes in Earth’s surface such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides;


I can investigate rapid changes in the Earth’s surface such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides.

November 27 – December 1


3.4H (S)- Determine the number of objects in each group when a set of objects is partitioned into equal shares or a set of objects is shared equally

3.4J (S)- Determine a quotient using the relationship between multiplication and division.

3.4K (R)- solve one-step and two-step problems involving multiplication and division within 100 using strategies based on objects; pictorial models, including arrays, area models, and equal groups; properties of operations; or recall facts

3.5D (S)- Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers when the unknown is either a missing factor or product



I can determine the number of objects in each group when a set is partitioned equally.

I can identify odd and even numbers, using divisibility rules.

I can use my knowledge of multiplication to divide.

I can use the relationship between multiplication and division to determine an unknown factor in an equation.



3.7B – investigate rapid changes in Earth’s surface such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides;



I can investigate rapid changes in the Earth’s surface such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides.

November 6 – 10

Important Dates

  • November 7th- Field Trip
  • November 9th- Big Kahuna Delivery
  • November 20th- 24th- Thanksgiving Break


3.4G (S)- Use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial products, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties.

3.4I (R)- determine if a number is even or odd using divisibility rules



I can use mental math to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number.

I can use partial products to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number.

I can use the commutative property to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number.

I can use the associative property to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number.

I can use the distributive property to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number.

I can use the standard algorithm to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number.


Homework: Math homework will be sent home Friday and due back the following Thursday.

Mad Minute: We are continuing to study our multiplication facts. Please study those facts with your students.


3.7A – explore and record how soils are formed by weathering of rock and the decomposition of plant and animal remains;


I can explore how soils are formed by weathering and decomposition.

I can record how soils are formed by weathering of rock and the decomposition of plant and animal remains.

Oct. 30th – Nov. 3rd

Important Dates

Oct. 31st – Storybook Character dress-up day

Nov. 1st – Field trip to Busy B Wildlife Park

Nov. 9th – Big Kahuna fundraiser delivery



3.6C (R)- determine the area of rectangles with whole-number side lengths in problems using multiplication related to the number of rows times the number of unit squares in each row.


I can determine the area of rectangles, using multiplication.



3.6C (R) observe forces such as magnetism and gravity acting on objects.

3.1C – demonstrate safe practices and the use of safety equipment during classroom and field investigations as outlined in TEA-approved safety standards


I can observe magnetism acting on objects.

I can observe gravity acting on objects.

October 23-27

Important Dates

  • Oct. 23 – 27 is Red Ribbon Week
  • – Monday: Wear Red
  • – Tuesday: Cozy Pjs
  • – Wednesday: Hat Day
  • – Thursday: Athletic Gear
  • – Friday: Roughneck Gear
  • Oct. 25th – Early Release for students at 11:30am
  • Oct. 27 – 3rd Grade Music Play “Its A Hit” at 9:30 a.m. Parents are welcome to check out their students after the play is over!


3.5B (R)- Represent and solve one- and two-step multiplication and division problems within 100 using arrays, strip diagrams, and equations

3.4K (R)- solve one-step and two-step problems involving multiplication and division within 100 using strategies based on objects; pictorial models, including arrays, area models, and equal groups; properties of operations; or recall facts



I can use objects to solve multiplication and division problems.

I can use the properties of operations to solve multiplication and division problems.

I can recall facts to solve multiplication and division problems.

I can use arrays to represent and solve multiplication and division problems.

I can use strip diagrams to represent multiplication and division problems.

I can use equations to represent multiplication and division problems.


Homework: Math homework will be sent home Friday and due back the following Thursday.

Mad Minute: We are continuing to study our multiplication facts. Please study those facts with your students.


3.6B – 5th g – demonstrate and observe how position and motion can be changed by pushing and pulling objects such as swings, balls, and wagons; and


I can demonstrate push and pull.

I can observe push and pull.

I can observe that pushing and pulling can cause an object to change position and to move (motion).