Important Dates
- End of First 9 Weeks, Oct 13th
- Student Holiday, Oct 16th
- Book Fair, Week of Oct 16-20th
- Family Reading Night, Oct 17th
- Red Ribbon Week, Oct 23-27th
- Early Release 11:30, Oct 25th
Math Learning Goals
I can use arrays to determine a total number of objects.
I can use repeated addition to represent multiplication.
I can use arrays to represent multiplication.
I can use area models to represent multiplication.
I can use a number line to represent multiplication.
I can use skip counting to represent multiplication.
I can describe multiplication as a comparison.
I recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity.
I recall the corresponding division facts.
Science Learning Goals
I can explore mechanical, light, sound and thermal (heat) energy in my life.
I can use appropriate tools to collect, record and analyze.