March 4-8

Important Dates

March 11th-15th –  SPRING BREAK

March 21st – PTO paint party

March 21st – Report cards coming home

March 28th – Easter party at 10:15am

March 29th & April 1st – School holidays



3.6C – (R)- determine the area of rectangles with whole number side lengths in problems using multiplication related to the number of rows times the number of unit squares in each row

3.6D- (S)- decompose composite figures formed by rectangles into non-overlapping rectangles to determine the area of the original figure using the additive property of area

3.7B – (R)- determine the perimeter of a polygon or a missing length when given perimeter and remaining side lengths in problems



I can determine the area of rectangles, using multiplication.

I can determine the area of a composite figure.

I can determine the area of composite figures with missing side lengths.

I can determine the perimeter of a polygon.

I can determine the missing length of a side of a polygon.



3.A (R) observe and describe the physical characteristics of environments and how they support populations and communities of plants and animals within an ecosystem;



I can observe the physical characteristics of the environment and how they support populations and communities of plants and animals within an ecosystem.

I can describe the physical characteristics of the environment and how they support populations and communities of plants and animals within an ecosystem.

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