November 30 – December 4


3.4F(S)- recall facts to multiply up to 10 by 10 with automaticity and recall the corresponding division facts

3.4G(S)- use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial produce, and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties

Math Homework:
Math homework will be sent home today and is due back the Thursday, December 3rd.
Please study your MULTIPLICATION FACTS. 0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 3’s and 4’s only. We will have a Mad Minute on Thursday. Students will have one minute to solve 30 multiplication facts. This is not for a grade. We will set goals each week to improve fact fluency.


3.3B – represent the natural world using models such as volcanoes or the Sun, Earth, and Moon system and identify their limitations, including size, properties, and materials; and

3.7B- investigate rapid changes in Earth’s surface such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides.

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